we cordially invite you to a small intimate event on friday, may 3oth out in the old castle park in dolni pocernice, praha.
neil mccarthy
david rynhard
stephen murray
niall connolly
these incredible 4 guys are in prague for fringe festival - and cause their dirty bare foots like as often as possible to be somewhere else, they are goin to read, play and make an amazing, thrilling evening out there.
another unique opportunity: JAN NEPOMUK PISKAC from damu is giving one of his great multi-lingual performances!
to balance eventually testosterone overdoses on stage, bertane is goin to support that by some mime-show. there might be some little girly exhibition, too.
so, come at 5pm to the old woodstage in the park (near the park restaurant) - bring some food, friends, kids, drinks, your autograph kit, sockless shoes and have a marvellous sundown with us. even not romantic people will have fun, promise :)
looking forward to seeing you!
from masarykovo nadrazi prague - s1 train direction cesky brod/kolin to dolni pocernice (17min, 3 stations). please not to horni pocernice!! from there walk to the town centre in direction of the church. the stage is in the old castle park, near the park restaurant.